Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jurassic World

I’ve noticed a new trend throughout the movie world. It’s reviving old movie series’ and throwing a new movie on the end. Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes it sucks. One of these old movies made new is the “Jurassic Park” series. To put it simply, it was alright. And because it’s alright, I have to argue that it sucks.
I know I sound like a jerk but it’s all or nothing and this movie isn’t all. Jurassic park is one of the best movies of all time. It is a classic. The other two sucked, but they were good enough in terms of regular sequels that they are allowed into the party.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Jurassic world. As a standalone movie it would have been good, well, if the original movies didn’t exist. But because it is piggy backing the shoulders of giants and it is slowing the giant down, I gotta tell it to hop off. Jurassic park was groundbreaking. Jurassic world forgot to bring a shovel. I guess I don’t think that this movie should have been made. Just leave it be. Now if they had come up with an amazing idea and it actually added to the series, it would’ve been welcomed with open arms. But that wasn’t the case. So I have to respectfully request a death by fire.
Alright, now I’m going to talk about the movie as itself. If it seems oddly positive compared to the beginning, just ignore it.
I really liked this movie. There were a lot of good things. There were dinosaurs, Chris Pratt, genetic modification, guns, Chris Pratt, Chris Pratt’s guns, explosions, nostalgia moments, Chris Pratt, motorcycles (with and without Chris Pratt), people getting eaten, Chris Pratt, and Chris Pratt. Now some might say that the only reason I like this movie is because of Chris Pratt. Those people would be right. He stole the show. Even the people in the movie were like “Nah this guy Owen (Chris Pratt)is a badass we’re gonna chill with him”
This movie has a perfect opportunity to just be blockbuster fun. Bubblegum for the brain. But it overcomplicates things and lets us down at a few points and in the end it comes out so-so. Chris Pratt is the one who recovers it. He’s the only good actor in it.
Some of the downsides were the predictability and the bad CGI. The story followed a pretty standard formula. And the CGI is overused to an ungodly extent.'
One final negative point is the overcomplication. There were waaaaay too many different things thrown in there to try to make us feel for the characters. In the end we blocked out the useless information that doesnt affect the story and watched people get eaten.

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