Sunday, October 18, 2015


Success is one of the best things a team can have. Rolling in win after win is incredibly fun, and in high school it is the making of memories you won’t ever forget.
My team is 8-0. It’s the best record in school history. District champions and we will go into the playoffs with the highest seed our school has ever seen. There is talk of championships. It’s my senior year and everything is going great. It’s like magic.
For my state, the top 4 teams in each district get into the playoffs. The first three rounds are played in regular stadiums throughout the state. The better seeded team will always play at their home stadium. My team will play the first three games at home.
It’s the next two rounds that make a difference. We play these games in the dome. The dome is the nickname of a state college’s football stadium. It’s indoors and massive.
The first round in the dome consists of two games in each division. A game for the east side of the state, and a game for the west side of the state. The two winners get to duke it out for the championship.
Why not us? We are third ranked in the state. We are as good as any other team out there, so we might as well just win the damn thing. Bring home that big trophy and put it in our case. It will be the first one of its kind and it will remain there for the rest of the existence of our school.
We have to win it. I don’t know how to describe it but it’s a necessity. It is pure desperation that drives us. Even for something as simple as playing. For many on our team there is no football after high school. And winning a game guarantees us another one.
That is the driving force behind it. Win or go home, and the players on our team want nothing more than to play this game until the day they die. So they will play, and fight, and give it their all because the love this sport. They would die for it.
The team I love is going to keep winning. And they are going to do this for one very simple reason. They are scared. They are hopelessly terrified of what will happen if they lose. Because that Is the void.
A loss in the playoffs is the first step into the void for a high school football player. It is worse than death. It is the first thing they love that they will lose forever and never get back.

Fear and love will keep my team alive. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this blog, and how passionate you are about Kennedy
