Sunday, September 20, 2015


The issue of booing at a sporting event can be a hot button topic. I have my own opinions and I will clearly express them, and explain why I feel the way I do. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
I think booing is a good thing.
If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you are seriously offended by the fact that the other team’s student section doesn’t like you, then competitive sports might not be your thing. If three small letters put together can hurt you that bad then I don’t know what losing will do.
I’ve never seen a varsity athlete get upset by booing. Most don’t even react and everyone else feeds off of it. That’s right, there are people who love booing. It motivates them. So why then is booing not allowed/discouraged at sporting events? I have a theory. It is nothing more than over-sensitivity masked by sportsmanship.
Parents, coaches, and administrators are so concerned about causing a ruckus that they don’t allow even the most harmless of negative cheers. And they stand behind a shield of sportsmanship to help hide it. Sportsmanship is about respect. Just because I vocalize the fact that I don’t support you or disagree with you doesn’t mean I disrespect you.
I understand, and appreciate, the argument against it. Sports should be a positive thing. Cheering should be positive. I get that, and I support that. Cheering, for the most part, should be positive. But there are occasions where negative cheers are acceptable. I think some people are starting to see a big broad line between what is mean and offensive and what is just part of the game. I see it as a fine line.
When things turn ugly there is a line. As soon as you bring up anything that could be a cause for discrimination you cross a line and deserve to get shut down. This includes but isn’t limited to: race, color, creed, sexual identity, social status, and economic status. If you bring up any of this, you should get kicked out of whatever event you are attending and should face serious punishment from the school you attend.
I get fired up very easily at the next part. Referees. I have seen them penalize a team because the student section booed their call. If you make a bad call, you are going to get booed. It happens. And if you can handle a bunch of kids, actual kids under the age of 18, booing when you mess up, you need to reevaluate your choices. As an adult, you are expected to handle a bit of negativity, and when you can’t you just look bad.

Boo on. It’s part of the game. If they can take it that’s on them. But know the limit and don’t push too far. Because if you do, you deserve to get booed.

1 comment:

  1. Being an athlete, I know that players shouldn't even be listening to the crowd and that it doesn't matter what they say, players should just go out and show everyone what they're made of. When I hear negative comments it pushes me to show them that I good and better than everyone.
