2012: AVENGERS!!! The movie economy has recovered and done so
in a healthy way. This massive blockbuster pushed Marvel into the spotlight
permanently and guaranteed huge movie attendance for the next 10 years.
They also made The Amazing Spiderman. Well,
Sony made it but it’s a Marvel character. This was rushed a little bit but I’m
okay with erasing that memory of Toby McGuire. If they waited 2-3 years I think
it would’ve been better. DC struck back and completed their batman trio.
A new
standard was set for grittiness, Chronicle, also one of my favorites, pushed the
bar even further. It is straight up dark from start to finish. That standard
still stands.
2013: Slight movie inflation has started. Iron Man 3 and
Thor: The Dark World weren’t necessary but made anyway. Not much character
development in it either. They were “Eh” at best but did advance the plot to
set up the next avengers.
The Wolverine came out. That was a disaster and made
the X-Men take a step back.
I think the best movie to come out of this year was
Man of Steel. I liked it best but it still wasn’t great. It advances the plot
for DC. It was pretty gritty for the traditional Superman and I like that.
best THING to come out of this year was the Producers realizing that we can
tell the difference between a good product and a pile of crap. The movies
didn’t do that great in the box offices, when they lose money, they take note.
2014: Marvel had a damn good year. Damn good. Winter Soldier
(best individual Marvel movie in my opinion), Spiderman 2, X-Men: Days of
Future Past, Guardians of the Galaxy. I mean damn. They knocked it out of the
park here. They dominated the competition and earned our trust. They put out
all good stuff. We liked it all, even the sketchy stuff. If you told me I would
love a move about a raccoon, a tree, and some people in space, I wouldn’t
believe you but hell, I love it.

2015: A bit of an off year. Age of Ultron put a cherry on
top of the Marvel superpower. Ant-Man ate shit at the box office and hurt out
trust, but only a little. No one expected much and that what we got. A shitty
new Fantastic Four came out. I think everyone knew after the first trailer that
it would suck. They should’ve scrapped it but pushed it though. Oh well. Their
loss, not ours.
2016: Our final year, so far, only Deadpool was released
with massive success.
Batman V Superman is going to come out, hopefully it
pulls DC out of their grave. If it doesn’t do well, I don’t know how they could
recover. Civil War is coming out and has a lot of people excited. Can’t wait to
see the showdown. X-Men: Apocalypse is coming out. I think they might be
beating a dead horse here but ill probably go see it just because. Suicide
Squad is another hopeful highlight, it appears that Chronical might lose its
spot, I hope it does.
So there you have it. A lack of movies in the late 90s gave
birth to a huge generation of crappy movies that caused a pretty big recession
in the late 00’s. But just like a superhero, the industry fought back and came
back stronger than ever. I can't wait for the future, it looks bright.